Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Hj. Ashfa Khoirun Nisa’ . MSI

Oleh: Kelompok 8
Saniatul Isroiyah     021600063
Sirojul Anwar         021600067
Sit Alawiyah          021600068
Siti Fadliyah           021600069
Siti Faridatun           021600069
Zeliyn Rofita Dewi  021600072


There is a crucial question about the study of religion. The question is “is it possible to study religion scientifically ?” Religion is a social phenomenon as are politics, economics, psychology, anthropology and the like. These socila sciences can be studied scientifically, so can religion. Religion is universal phenomenon and is the most important ingredient in the study of human life.
There are two approaches to the study of religion. These approaches are linked through the unbroken line of the two extremes. The first approach is normative and the other is descriptive. The normative approach is based on the criteria of what is true and good and what is bad, what one ought to do and ought not to do. This is based on the personal internal experiences of the religion founder or the messenger in contact with the divinity : the trancendental experience. This approach can be looked at to ways. The first one is theology, that is an attempt to give a systematic traditional expression of religious experience. In Islam it is called the ‘aqa’id, something which must be accepted and believed. The second way is religious ethics or moral behaviour : how to act with one’s fellow man. The second approach is descriptive which is based on intellectual curiousity rather than on belief.
There are a number of disciplines which will help in understanding religion. The first is the history of religion : looking at religious behaviour historically. The second is the psychology of religion : understanding the mental prosess and feeling of religious people and the last is the sociology of religion : trying to understand how religious institutions, religious leaders, law and the state. Using the discriptive approach, it is possible to study religion scientifically.
Ada pertanyaan penting tentang studi agama. Pertanyaannya adalah "apakah mungkin untuk mempelajari agama secara ilmiah?" Agama adalah fenomena sosial seperti politik, ekonomi, psikologi, antropologi dan sejenisnya. ilmu socila ini dapat dipelajari secara ilmiah, sehingga bisa agama. Agama adalah fenomena universal dan merupakan bahan yang paling penting dalam mempelajari kehidupan manusia.
Ada dua pendekatan untuk mempelajari agama. Pendekatan ini dihubungkan melalui garis terputus dari dua ekstrem. Pendekatan pertama adalah normatif dan yang lainnya adalah deskriptif. Pendekatan normatif didasarkan pada kriteria apa yang benar dan baik dan apa yang buruk, apa yang harus satu harus dilakukan dan tidak seharusnya dilakukan. Hal ini didasarkan pada pengalaman internal yang pribadi pendiri agama atau utusan kontak dengan keilahian: pengalaman transendental. Pendekatan ini dapat melihat cara-cara. Yang pertama adalah teologi, yang merupakan upaya untuk memberikan ekspresi tradisional sistematis pengalaman religius. Dalam Islam itu disebut 'aqa'id, sesuatu yang harus diterima dan dipercaya. Cara kedua adalah etika agama atau perilaku moral: bagaimana bertindak dengan sesama manusia seseorang. Pendekatan yang kedua adalah deskriptif yang didasarkan pada curiousity intelektual bukan pada keyakinan.
Ada sejumlah disiplin ilmu yang akan membantu dalam memahami agama. Yang pertama adalah sejarah agama: melihat perilaku keagamaan secara historis. Yang kedua adalah psikologi agama: memahami prosess mental dan perasaan orang-orang religius dan yang terakhir adalah sosiologi agama: mencoba memahami lembaga bagaimana agama, tokoh agama, hukum dan negara. Menggunakan pendekatan diskriptif, adalah mungkin untuk belajar agama secara ilmiah.

1.           What is the answer to the question about the possibility of studying religion scientifically?
2.           Why is the study of religion important for study of human life ?
3.           What approaches can be used for the study of religion ?
4.           What is the link between these approaches ?
5.           What is the first approach ? Explain briefly !
6.           What is the basis of the approach ?
7.           There are two ways in this approach. What are they ?
8.           What is the second approach to the study religion ? Explain briefly !
9.           What discipline are used to study religion through this approach ?
10.       What is the sociology of religion ?

1.      Because using the descriptive approach, it is possible to study religion scientifically
2.      Because, study of religion is universal phenomenon and is the most important ingredient in the study of human life
3.      We can used two approaches to the study of religion. There are is approach normative and descriptive
4.      These approaches are linked throught the unbroken line of the two extremes.
5.      The first approach is normative. The normative approach is based on the criteria of what is true and good and what is bad,what one ought to do and ought not to do.
6.      There is two basic of the are base on belief
7.      The are is teology, and religious ethics or moral behavior
8.      Descriptive approach is descriptive which is based on intellectual curiousity rather than on belief
9.      The first is the history of religion, second psychology, and sociology of religion
10.  The sociology of religion is trying to understand how religious groups organized themselves, the role of religious institutions, religious leaders, law, and the state


Before becoming a prophet. Muhammad usually spent one month every year in a cave on the top of a mountain near Mecca. There he meditated and thought about religion af Abraham. This was done by him because he refused to accept the beliefs of the people of Mecca who worshipped idols. This continued for a number of years. When he was forty years of age the Archangel Gabriel came to him and convinced him.
It was clear that he was a prophet from God. He received the first revelation after becoming a prophet. The first revelation said:
“Read in the name of thy Lord who created.
Created man from a blood clot.
Read, thy Lord is most benefcial. He taught by pen. Thaught man what he knew not”
When the prophet received this revelation from God and when he became sure, then he began to call people to accept the new religion. The new religion was based on the oneness of God worshipping only Allah and giving up the worship of idols. About three year after Prophet received the first revelation he was told, “Warn your close relatives.”
He started to speak to his close friends and his family. Khadijah, his wife, was the first woman to accept Islam, and Abu Bakr was the first man. Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, his cousin was the first boy to accept Islam. The number started to increase slowly through the personal contact of the prophet and his close friend, Abu Bakr, but when he received the verse mentioned, this was the sign for him to inform all the people of Mecca of his cause.

Sebelum menjadi seorang nabi. Muhammad biasanya menghabiskan satu bulan setiap tahun di sebuah gua di puncak gunung dekat Mekkah. Di sana ia bermeditasi dan berpikir tentang agama ibrahim. Hal ini dilakukan oleh dia karena dia menolak untuk menerima kepercayaan dari orang-orang Mekah yang menyembah berhala. Ini berlanjut selama beberapa tahun. Ketika ia berusia empat puluh tahun malaikat Jibril datang kepadanya dan meyakinkan dia.
Sudah jelas bahwa dia adalah seorang nabi dari Allah. Dia menerima wahyu pertama setelah menjadi seorang nabi. Wahyu pertama mengatakan:
"Bacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu yang Maha menciptakan. Menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah.
Bacalah, dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu yang paling memberi keberuntungan. Dia mengaajarkan dengan pena. Dan berkata apa yang dia tidak ketahui "
Ketika nabi menerima wahyu dari Tuhan dan ketika ia menjadi yakin, maka ia mulai memanggil orang-orang untuk menerima agama baru. Agama baru yang didasarkan pada keesaan Allah menyembah hanya Allah dan berhenti menyembah berhala. Sekitar tiga tahun setelah Nabi menerima wahyu pertama dia diberitahu, "Peringatkan kerabat dekat Anda."
Dia mulai berbicara dengan teman-teman dekat dan keluarganya. Khadijah, istrinya, adalah wanita pertama yang menerima Islam, dan Abu Bakar adalah orang pertama. Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, sepupunya adalah anak pertama yang menerima Islam. Jumlah tersebut mulai meningkat perlahan-lahan melalui kontak pribadi nabi dan teman dekatnya, Abu Bakr, tetapi ketika ia menerima ayat disebutkan, ini adalah tanda baginya untuk menginformasikan kepada semua orang Mekah.

1.             What did Muhammad usually do before becoming a prophet ?
2.             Where the cave in which Muhammad meditated ?
3.             What did he think about his meditation ?
4.             How long did spend in meditation?
5.             What did he ask God ?
6.             Why did he ask God’s guidance ?
7.             What did most Mecca people worship ?
8.             To whom did the prophet speak after receiving the first revelation ?
9.             What did the prophet do then ?
10.         What was the Mecca people’s response to the prophet’s call ?
1.      Muhammad usually spent one month every year in a cave
2.      On the top of a  mountain near mecca
3.      His meditiated is Thought about religion of Abraham
4.      Muhammad spent one month every year and he was forty years of age archange gabriel come to him
5.      He ask god’s guidance
6.      Because, he refused to accept the belificts  of the people of mecca who worshipped idols
7.      The meccan people worship idols
8.      The prophet started to speak with his close friends and his family
9.      The prophet to incrase slowly through the personal contact of the prophet and his close friend, abu bakar
10.  The meccan people’s  response to the prophet’s call with verse mentiond, only a fiew people of meccan how received


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